max points out that friends at morgan state university, a predominantly black college in maryland, could use dressing rooms in downtown maryland, stopped for a soda or burger anywhere. a person who had a front row seat to all of the events congressman john lewis, a democrat from georgia, now 74 years old. he sent this tweet out, the civil rights act of 1964 changed america forever. we're getting your calls, 50 years after president johnson signed the legislation. on the independent line, we're getting a call from john of louisville, kentucky. >> caller: let's look at the modern-day south. we know what happened in the 1960's. the last four or five wars have been started by a texan in the white house. texas has the largest military base in the world. it was the home of halliburton/brown & root. exxon, enron calls texas home. we've got illegal waivers coming out of texas. when we talk about immigration, it's not a problem from the united states, it's a problem from texas. and then we go to our radio, 90% of our radio comes out of clear channel which comes from texas. then we go to the great