it was those revelations that brought max shrem to bring these cases to court. transfers uses data to service outside the eu. whether it's a digital photograph, or a credit card details or indeed multimillion dollar business deals all that data has to be stored on servers such as this. more often than not they are not in the european union, they are cited in the united states. the european union promised to match the u.s. privacy rules. safe harbor is worthless. facebook insists its doing in wrong and operating within privacy laws. it is imperative that eu and u.s. governments ensure that they continue to provide reliable methods for reliable data transfers relating to national security. alternatives osafe harbor include such thing as model contracts, bindings corporate rules or our own consent for data to be transmitted. of course another solution would be to make the u.s. spy agencies more accountable. >> if i get spied on by the nsa there's no way for me to go to the u.s. and bring a private action against the nsa, there just isn't an avenue in the u.s. that