my name is max stewart. i live in district four, and i live in district five. i urge you, and appreciate your support for creating -- for having the state legislature to allow for the creation of a public banking charger. i am for a public bank for san francisco itself, for the distinctive -- for public housing. we can afford to build it with reasonably priced loans. think of the infrastructure we could build. think of the social justice we can implement. and having an oversight over our economic investments. once again, thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i live in district ten. i too am in support of promoting the charger for public banking in san francisco. i want to thank -- i want to recognize the caretaking of this territory for so many years, and recognize the people, the tribal people that were at standing rock that called attention to where our money is going that is invested in the corporate banks. that led me to search -- to find out that my bank in my neighborhood, it was the second largest contributor to the dakot