supporting actor you have kennethny branagh, jonah hill, christopher plumber, nick nolte, and max von sydow viola davis, rooney mara, meryl streep and michelle williams. >> the best per for mapss by an actor in a leading role is jamie bachir, george clooney, jean dujardin, gary oldman, and brad pitt. >> for best achievement in directing -- michelle hazanavicius, alexander payne, martin scorcese, terrence mallick and woody allen. >> for the best original screenplay, the nominees "the artist artist," "bridesmaids," "margin call", "midnight in paris," and "a separation." >> and for best a adapted screenplay, we have "the descendents," hugo," and george clooney a clooney for "the idz of march," and brad pitt in "moneyball," and also "tinker, tailor, soldier spy." >> for best foreign language film, we have "bullhead," "footnote," "in darkness" and "monsieur lazhar," and "a separation." >> and best animated feature you have a cat in paris, chico and rita, and kung fu panda 2, and "puss in boots" and "rango." >> and finally the films nominated for best picture for 2012 are" war horse" and "the art