dzyauchatki, maxim tank, francishak bagushevich, maxim bagdanovich and yakub kolas, wrote these radki the channel, right? no, geta budze yakub kolas. damn it, dude, who, who, aliaksandra tsi, larysa, you have different adkaz, well, i want some special adkaz. i howl three times and insist that he is yakub kolas. geta sapraudy yakub kolas. smalajchyna, geta radki z top native images. yakub. kolasa, it’s time to hear the final task for lidzia and alena. like the animals that fly in the wind, the hell knows the wind, like the birds that fly in the wind, remember the nests of the wind, like the fish that swim in the sea and rivers, they sense the wind, and like the baron of bees yats vulі svae. getak and people, yes, the month, we were delighted and lost in god’s caress. i'm getting bored. all these are so happy, my dears. whoever writes them, it is necessary to indicate, but also zapashkevich, mikola gusoski, francisk skaryny and franciszak. bagushevich, i think that this is mikola gusovski, everything is the same, i think, francis and francis skaryna, and why apavyadanne? well, if i tell