but as for the rest of the expenses, the man was left alone with them, which maxim fotoev did not agreebelieves that since this is a medical oversight, it means that the clinic should pay all the costs of recovery after the operation and moral compensation, and their family budget is not calculated for a fourth child. the patient sent to the clinic claim and already received a written explanation regarding the procedure. it turns out that no one gave him a 100% guarantee. sterility in a man after bilateral ovulation does not occur immediately, on the contrary, the ability to fertilize is still preserved for a certain period, no guarantees, assurances about the impeccability and reliability of this method of contraception were provided by the medical staff. based on the document, the percentage of pregnancy after such a procedure is still 0.15, and since the spouses decided to give birth, then the responsibility lies with them, not with the medical institution, so according to the clinic representatives, quote: the fact of the child's birth cannot be recognized... an architect and even a