maxim gnatyuk quickly deposited the money that nail gave him in the machines to pay off his debt; nailone is yours gnatyuk? on the day of his arrest, maxim gnatyuk gave testimony in which he fully confirmed his wine, pure work, well done , guys, yes, but what about the death of nikolai sadovnik? well, apparently there is no connection between the two murders. the fact that they were killed on the same day was a simple coincidence, come in and put on your slippers. you cleverly came up with this, this is father, hold on, damn it, what is it, but there’s only 7,000, you can’t really run away , well, well, well, and what you have there is very interesting, so you see, i’ll soon begin to understand in chemistry, the most the main thing here is... the title drugs paramethol. listen, i know it, it’s a drug for asthmatics. it says it contains a banned substance called firidium. simply put, a drug in a small dose. drug again. these papers alyoshenka, there is no price now. lyosha, on the elevator. calm down, guys, don't make any noise, don't make unnecessary movements. give me the weapon, care