. -- i meet maximillion. he feels rested. this principle has started to influence my thinking. the regular rhythm of work and prayer provides a structure for the monks' daily life. now it is time to stop. the bells called the monkhood -- monks to prayers. on the way there, i meet someone. it is a lucky thing. i never find my way through all of these hallways and doors. guests are welcome to attend. finally, i feel like i am participating in a monastery life. for the first time i even feel something spiritual and field inwardly moved. in the home next door, there is a different kind of spiritual experience on offer. these people are not just getting themselves into weird positions. they have not eaten for the whole time. they have rented the hall to spend time fasting and doing yoga. fasting is a regular part of christianity. but the course leader tells me this is not just about religion. >> i think it should not matter what the i am a christian or a yogi or and atheists. i believe everyone can fast. i do not actually know which of my group members are christians and which are n