army major maxwell pappas. 2006 graduate of the u.s. academy the west point, he served a combat tour in iraq late 2007 to early 2009, followed by three combat tours in afghanistan in 2010, 2011 and 2013. pappas completed army ranger training in 2007 and was then assigned to the 25th infantry division during the iraq surge. he went to zabul province in afghanistan as a member of the reconstruction team in 2010, returned to the states to complete additional training at ft. bening georgia and assigned the 10th mountain division, he commanded in kandahar province and paktika province. he earned a masters degree in security studies from georgetown university in 2016 and graduated from the army's general staff college at ft. lech worth, kansas, earlier this year. executive officer of the 4th battalion 3rd infantry regiment, also known as the old guard at arlington cemetery. following major pappas' remarks we'll hear from our three other distinguished panelists. michael ohanlon is a senior fellow at the brookings institution and director of re