it is hitting the point where it is maxxam out our intercom system. -- max thing -- maxing out our intercom system. people want it connected to multiple phones, all of which are so phones. there is not the coverage that this site will fulfill. one of the things i also hear it is about the radiation. there are other sources of radiation that exist in people's homes right at this point, which far exceed what is going to be demonstrated by these antennas, such as wireless systems we have in place, up routers and those kinds of things, microwaves. if you look at the radiation those put out, in comparison with this installation, it is far less than those devices. the last thing i would like to say is the last thing i would want to do is put anybody in harm's way, in regards to something like this. i worked on this for a number of years. we are not interested in placing anybody in harm or jeopardy. president fong: any additional public comment? the public comment portion is closed. commissioner moore? commissioner moore: the comments expressed in the previous case and in this case are similar. th