. >> reporter: there's no stopping maya moore. four wnba titles, two olympic gold, dubbed the greatest in the history of women's game. >> my urge is to go find a ball. >> reporter: now she's putting down the ball indefinitely stepping away to answer another call. is it hard to walk away >> it's hard but when your convictions are moving you to a place that you know is right, it makes it a little less hard. >> reporter: that new place, fighting what she calls wrongful conviction. >> call is from a correctional facility. >> reporter: on the line, jonathan irons arrested at 16 he was sentenced to 50 years for a non-fatal shooting he's entering year 23. >> i'm not guilty of this. >> reporter: the more maya investigated his case, the more she agreed. >> there was no physical evidence, no dna, footprint, fingerprint. that began a journey for me of having my eyes open to oh my gosh, people are in prison who shouldn't be there. >> reporter: so maya shifted her game know focussing on things that matter most to her like freeing jonathan. >>