. >> reporter: 15-year-old maya shoemaker is laid up in a bed at children's hospital in oakland.he trip of a lifetime, ended in near disaster, and near financial ruin for her family. she went to italy for a series of performances. she was in a hotel room her very first night. fully thought the outside was a balcony, but it turned out to be a skylight, and i fell through it. >> reporter: this is a picture of the skylight. >> i got the call that no parent wents. which is that your child has been severely injured. >> reporter: maya spent the next three weeks, recovering in a hospital in italy. the shoemaker's health insurance doesn't cover overseas medicare care. a special gurney had to be in place. >> how much was that plane trip home? >> 48,000 total. to get her home from italy to children's hospital. >> that's a lot of money. >> that's a lot of money. >> reporter: the bill from the hospital in italy hasn't come yet. >> i own my home in oakland, and i am looking at having to sell it. >> reporter: friends are raising money online to help with the medical bills. the u.s. state depar