they can move us from here to somewhere, it doeoesn't take us serioususly becaususe they think that maybee are--[sniffles]--p-playing or we justst want some houses sosomew. [child's c congested coughing] mathabule: it's painful to... to watch your kids dying in front o of you.u. [boyoy humming q quietly] munnick: the highveld is a sacrificice zone for the carbon-intensiveve economy, and the people who live e there have been sacririficed. man: eskom is a 100% state-owned company, so the government owns eskom. eskom does supporort, you know, like, the coal industry. the big poportion of o our enery gegeneration i is based, y you , like, on coal. there's been-- it's called a [indistinct] symbiotic relationship between the coal-mining industry and eskom. let me put it this way: about 70% of the energy requirement in south africa are met through coal. i think, uh, the simple fact t is that we've got it, , it's in abundance. we stitill have e probably 2 20e years of c coal, you know,w, li, in the ground. woman: is it i immoral to open t another one in an area like highveld that's clearly got ext