his name was maynard richardson. he says this in his paper, he invites people to write articles and essays expressing their true opinion about the issue of slavery. he gets interesting articles which he publishes. one writer said that whites tried to debase black people. that was the word. and then would blame them for being inferior. interesting echo of the greinke sisters there. and another writer says that slavery is allows white people to indulge too often the sheer enjoyment of power. you know, just the exercise of power gave people pleasure and slavely allowed white people to indulge the love of power.y all indulge the love of power.ry al indulge the love of power. but this candid debate doesn't last long in 1832. another newspaper editor called upon richardson to stop this dangerous debate, insulted him and called him names and said he was hurting the south and so on. and richardson refused to shut down his debate, so he was physically assaulted and badly beaten up. then he gave in. so the debate stops. it las