maystruk became an intermediary in this scheme.self. began to spread his negative attitude towards this person. from that moment on, mystruk became brutal, he lured naive buyers and mercilessly killed. three uzbeks, uncles and nephews, were delighted to admire the beauty of the angara. and suddenly, while they were examining there, they hit everyone on the head. he finds money in his underpants and cuts off heads. he took three more into the forest near voronezh, allegedly lost his way, look at the road there, and you look there, stabbed to death one at a time when they separated, did not even spare the elderly veteran, while the investigation was going on, the killer only respected one operative, mazitov, and confessed to him, but i have 20. corpses all over the country, but the investigation was only able to prove the murder of eight, the maystruk changed his mind about telling about the rest. the trial of the murderer was very loud in the literal sense of the word: maistruk yelled at the witnesses, at the prosecutor, fought behi