jump over, what happened, it seems to me that his hands were getting tired, so he’s tired, kind, but mazury, but he took the treasured crystal that he wanted, a real hero, oh, so happy, how he smiles, he still doesn’t believe that he reached the end, he didn’t expect it to be like this it’s difficult, he means he’s a strong guy, i’ll get through it with a snap of my fingers, but that’s not the case, i want to say, that’s not the case, they’re so happy. strong teeth, and in general they are strong tails, i ’ll tell you, darling, na pána, na pána, on to dal ešte to. chytaj videl, máme ho, poďme ďalej, a tretia disciplína, som nevedel na to prísť, že ako sa otočiť na tom lne, vždy ma točilo doprava, najhorší moment bolo, keď som sa nohami nevedel dostať na poslednú platformu, som sa musel vytiahnúť z posledných síl, rukami, ale dal som to, nezdávam sa, to emócie boli. veľmi dobre, asi najlepšie, čo som zažil , ešte som také na takom niečom ešte nebol , cítil som sa veľmi dobre, the desire to conquer heights is nothing without overcoming oneself, the vikings took possession of one crystal, th