vice-president mazzucco. vice president mazzucco: present. thank you, commissioners. also see it with the commissioners is the chief of police and the director of office complaints. mr. president, you have a quorum. president marshall: thank you, lieutenant. this is the regular meeting of the san francisco police commission, july 21, 2010, and please call item no. 1. >> item one, mr. president, his approval of the minutes for the meetings march 31, april 7, and it 14, 2010. -- and april 14, 2010. president marshall: we have the meeting minutes for march 31, april 7, and april 14. if there are no corrections? >> so moved. >> second? president marshall: alright, second. item number 2, please? >> this is public comment, were members of the public may address the commission for a time determined by the chair on items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission but do not appear on the agenda. president marshall: general public comment, anyone? none. item number three, please? >> item three is reports to the commission, under which we have item 3-a, t