hawkins presentation, which was excellent, i agree with commissioner mazzucco on that. and i listened carefully to commissioner henderson's report. and i heard a couple of things which would give me some pause. and one is there is new program and not all the cases have been run through the program. and the old data has not been integrated with the new data and there's brand new attorneys there and brand new investigators. and basically we are in a huge learning curve with dpa. that's fine. that should be understood by everybody including the public defender's office. however, i want, and i would expect the commission to set a deadline and its own expectations for how the dpa responds to records under sb1421. sb1421 is essentially an accountability by the state of california. all departments must comply. and we've met with nothing but resistance. thank you for listening. >> can i give public comment on the bicycle reign issue? >> you have eight seconds. >> as a resident of the bayview i am really, and as a person that needs a lot more exercise. >> your time is up. all ri