captain mcbeth was a dedicated pilot, service member. he was a member of both the montana and the wyoming air national guards and completed several combat deployments, including tours in iraq and afghanistan. captain mcbeth was one of the best pilots mon had to offer. it was if he was born to fly c-130's. but even more he was born to be a caring father and husband and brother and son to the incredible family that he has left behind. at 44 years of age, he was taken from them far too young. captain mcbeth was devoted to his family leaving behind his wife, bodi, his kids abigail, calvin, ella, his parents and siblings whose hearts have to be aching right now. my wife charlotte and i are keeping them in our prayers and our hearts through this trying time. captain mcbeth heard the call to serve this country and did so honorably. taking that call to duty even further to help the folks in need on the other side of the world to fight wildfires. now, montanans are no stranger to the risk that comes from fighting wildfire but that doesn't make it