governor to the mccallister at that time, and is said, we have to do something about getting a public agency to run support. the governor agreed and he appointed a committee to work on that. -- public agency to run the port. the governor agreed and he appointed a committee to work on that. then, we lost that effort. that was the first time i have been in annapolis, you could say, politicizing. ended, weession started our committee back for 1956. won, we got a maryland public -- the maryland port authority. it was changed later. and here we are. 1956, july 1 committee got a new agency. well, more than local politicians would come around to me and say, now, what do we need to do? things. would work on time the lawrence seaway was being enlarged, and i was going back and forth up there, writing stories that indicated baltimore might lose business, will as it happened, baltimore didn't lose business with the st. lawrence seaway. much.a little bit, not but. strikes and were strikes by seamen come along sherman, etc.. longshoremen, etc.. i got to know them a lot in those days and it b