i believe, folks, it is time to change the mccarren-ferguson act so you lived this protection that thee is chris ashley and i am really concerned about the financial status of our government. looking at health care, i have to think about the condition of social security and of medicare, both teetering the tremendous federal deficit that seems to be getting bigger and bigger and wondering, how in the world we are going to pay for this. >> you raise an extremely important point. a bit of history, and then my sense of what is next. at the beginning of 2009, it was theç general judgmentç of çeconomists, conservatives, moderates, liberals, economists all across the political spectrum that there was a real prospect our country could have had aç depressionú prospect of deflation. it said there wasç an argument then for stimulusç legislation. you can debate whether it should have included this or that or something else, but there was a consensus that some stimulus was needed. çnow, certainly, many months later, we wake up and our government owns a car companyt( an insurance company, an