mcclaren park. it is fat bu -- it is flat. i am here for the people who mead in advocates. eed access to the park. if god is willing it is going to happen. until the day i die, i will be here asking you guys. you spent a lot of money on the world cup. that was a flop. i think we need to realize these parks. i read your mission statement this morning, i read the general manager's mission statement. it really accessibility for all. i am going to be following the money. i will hear the capital report. i have been reading it. numbers don't lie. mcclaren park needs more money. make sure the wheelchairs can use it. reading about the federal government. in there they talk about maintenance. if you put the paths in the trails and change the asphalt because of petroleum spirits, take into consideration these paths have been there for 40 years. now they are deteriorating. they need more maintenance. this is from the federal government. i have been doing a lot of research. i wish i didn't have to, but i got all my neighbors together, about five mothers and went out there with lauren. s