also frank mccourt, who we're having this chat with to celebrate our fight. don't forget our biggest fight outcome from court is civic entrepreneur and executive chairman of mccourt global along with for our partners for today the founder and executive chairman of project liberty, which is a far reaching effort to build an internet where individuals have control over their data, a voice, and how operate and more access to the economic benefits of innovation. he's also the author of as you see it, our biggest fight reclaiming liberty, humanity and dignity in the digital age. so please give a round of applause to both of them during coming up. but you're really going to start it before frank and jennifer. i want to set the stage. yeah, one vote because. you know, i wish we had born to run or something like that we could cue, but we'll get that for time. so a lot of great comments that you'll see if you go to our biggest fight a dot com one of them that really struck me was from bruce springsteen because he love bruce springsteen. he calls it a timely call to ar