. >> i guess that it is now time for the main event, the presentation by the captain mceachern of northern station. >> give me a second to set up the powerpoint, i know that everybody has a copy of it but it will help me to go through it. >> all right. >> i think that it worked. >> okay. >> i guess not. >> okay. well, hopefully, we can get this, and we have sergeant on his way. >> we are going to have him set it up and in the meantime, hopefully, you have in front of you copies of the presentation that we can go through and hopefully, the members of the community have copies of it and if they don't there are copies if you would like to grab one as we go through the presentation as he sets it up. first off, commissioners, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to come before you tonight to present kind of the state of the northern district. as commissioner mazzucco said, we were schedule for last week, but due to some scheduling conflicts, we were not able to and luckily we were able to reschedule it quickly, and have the opportunity tonight to give you a little bit of a presentation on