mcgillivray agrees to the terms. mcgillivray thinks that ultimately the united states is going to dissolve. >> not a foolish opinion. >> no. it's because he's reading the european experts who all believe that this republic will not survive. you know, what is lincoln's words, whether this nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. and so he thinks it's okay. he's a realist. >> this is his holding. >> yes. if they want to pay me money, they have to pay me money. he needs to be bribed. and his other chiefs need to be bribed. he'll sign this treaty. the problem with the treaty from the american side is that they cannot enforce it. there are so many settlers coming from georgia and south and north carolina moving across the alleganies they can't stop them. knox says it would have required a military force of 50,000 troops. this at a time when the total size of the american army is 2,000. >> right. >> okay. and washington says what will it take? a chinese wall? in some sense, a just solution to the native-americ