>> invest in good ideas because i think they are good ideas, i would prefer the tax rate, on the mci might generate from this investment be as low as possible, if i look at it totally in terms of self-interest and your argument for different kind of self-interest, self-interest to have a country that functions better. >> right, but it is more than that. if you understand the economy properly as this eco, systemic feedback loop the better middle class people do, the betterly do, right? the more customers i have, the more busily have -- >> rose: like china does better -- >> you have to, that is a very important point. >> rose: it is not a zero sum. >> either internationally or within our country, right? but what we do, within the united states, for instance, a lot of conversations about immigration, for instance, are very zero sum, right? you can't let these immigrants come this because they are taking jobs away and it relates to this idea that, you know, our diversity ends up being a weakness of this country, because you have people competing for this fixed amount of prosperity. if yo