s m our community is keen to keep its content clean but there are adults who find the videos with children sexually arousing you tube's rules regarding such matters as their response to mckenna's channel shows so it's still unclear whether the life with mark video was blocked because of its content or others comments. it is upload is to be aware when they use the platform as a creative outlet ensuring that the keep that sentence the web never forgets and the back of our mind. the only way to be completely stay focused and not do anything online which i think i'm pretty sad and i'm confident that if you give your post some thoughts then you'll also be comfortable with and in 10 years time with mine i'll continue to live in a country. that's probably not a typical day is a marvel and i'm not sure mckenna will still feel good about it in 10 years' time i'm other managers or account so who protects children on youtube when parents don't there are community guidelines but few sanctions when these get broken controversial content does get deleted but often much too late if at all i think it's high time this changes is really hard to control what happens after a video has been uploaded and c