. >> so, you mentioned interest in how mckinney vento federal funds are allocate and had the committee also -- the community block program as well as and reviews those and forwards them on to the mayor's office of community development to decide. in your experience, have you seen that -- the grants change from year to year in a significant way and why and why not? >> yes, i've seen it change where there's been less disbursement to the non-profits, there's been certain none profits who have been denied. they have to go out and raise funding, you know, privately to get money because they've been turned down. they're socially and economically disadvantaged organizations and i would like the see more work witching the non-profit environment as opposed to working with the small business community, there's some private and non-profit organizations, they collect this money under the mckinney veto act and provide transitional housing but they're only obligated to provide it for 12 years and then they can go private and turn it into a condominium so they're telling their presidents to get on th