. >> kelly mcnaughton, whose nickname was mcnaughty, was one of the more colorful inmates we met at thea county jail. and her tattoos were some of the most provocative we've seen on a female inmate. >> and then the moon doing something to the lady. and look and see how the moon doesn't look happy doing it but she's still like getting her. >> while some inmates have their ink work done before getting locked up -- >> this is the outline of arizona with the building with the flag. i got that in the army. >> -- we met plenty of others who get their tattoos on the inside. >> i got this knocked out in prison. the name of the projects was orient heights. the building i grew up in was 191, fairwood av. >> everything that i got is a prison tattoo, actually. >> i heard somewhere prison tattoos are like the prison experience. it hurts when you're getting them, it's bloody, some scabs and bruises but when it's all healed up and it's all said and done there's something left over. >> nice back piece, ain't it? get your back piece on camera, baby! huh? showing off your work, son. >> yeah? >> huh? >> t