former gateway executive, bishop mcnaughton, was in sioux city to present a lecture he calls: "how to grow your leadership skills and positively impact more people." hundreds attended the seminar in bishop heelan's fine arts building. mcnaughton says his focus is to help those who are struggling with their own bad habits to achieve their life goals. "we help people to get really clear on what it is they want to do and help them really orchestrate why it is important, take the massive action to be able to measure their approach and ultimately achieve whatever it is they want to achieve in life," said gene mcnaughton. during his lecure, mcnaughton discussed improving communicatio n with co-workers, time management, and he gave his six steps to success. it's never too early to talk to your kids about drug prevention. that's the goal behind the red ribbon campaign, a week long event aimed at teaching kids to stay away from drugs. the week begins next monday, but last night, siouxlanders, local law enforcement and the mayor's youth commission and others got together for red ribbon night at