what do we know about mcphersonville? the burning of mcphersonville? in south carolina. prof. mcpherson: a lot of towns in south carolina were burned. my favorite was not mcphersonville, but barnwell. named after a south carolina family, ever after known to south carolina soldiers as burnwell. a lot of south carolina -- they did take it on the chin. dir. holzer: here is a romanticized image of the burning of columbia. john gave us an early glimpse of sherman's not assuming responsibility for the destruction. this is a romanticized print. next is a photograph of what parts of columbia looked like after sherman went through. they probably have kept the bullet pocked side of the state capital, the same state capital that flew the confederate flag. prof. mcpherson: with stars next to the holes. sherman through a couple of shots into the city, no question. we were talking, there is a well-known book if you want to get a good insight and the what went on in columbia. there is a book by marian lucas. it was published by university south carolina press. prof. mcpherson: they reprinted