mcps says so far they have not had major issues with field turf usa's performance. >> most school district's don't have a lot of extra money these days, so to pay for something twice when you should only pay for it once something that will get a lot of administrators' potential. kellye: field turf usa says that it always works with its customers and is dedicated to honoring its warranties. the california lawsuit is claiming damages of nearly $9 million. still ahead, talk about two smart puppies, how they helped animal control save their mother. and the weather forecast. kellye: several artists in old town alexandria with spaces in the torpedo factory are unhappy with changes to the structure. e.g. a, the torpedo factory art center attracts 500,000 visitors -- each year. >> it is a wonderful community. concerns there are now that the artists -- among the artists a report called for a new independent and self appointed board of directors for the city-owned building, replacing the current board and the 15 members, artis and non-artists, some appointed by the city council. >> it would not be a r