a week after the race, mcquiston hit them up for another loan. 'the more you learn, the deeper it seems to go.'neither hustisford police attorney found evidence that a crime had been committed. but after our investigation, the wisconsin department of financial institutions launched its own investigation. and in september, the state ordered mcquiston to cease and desist all offers or sales of securities. 'too many people have been defrauded by him.'that means he can't raise money anymore. and now, he's trying to avoid the debts he already owes. in october, he filed for chapter 13 bankruptcy. "we're gonna fight it."the franks can't afford their own lawyer, but debt should be excused in bankruptcy court. in other words, if saving their home means putting up a fight... they'll make time. the u-s trustee has already recommended the bankrputcy case be thrown out, because mcquiston owes too much money. under chapter 13, there are limits to how much debt you can wipe away... and he is over the limit by a lot. mcquiston told the court he is reviewing his