because the court had not heard any of the property cases during the war, the libertarian mcreynolds had been unable to comment on the administration expansion of governmental powers . as they now said, that expansion should never have taken place. "the constitution of the united states is a law for rulers and people, equally in war and in peace, and covers with the shield of its protection all classes of men at all times and under all circumstances. the suspension of constitutional limitations during times of great exigencies leads directly --anarchy or depositions him or despotism." in the next great one, this view commended a majority of the court, and led to the constitutional crisis of 1937. although all but two states eventually ratified the 18th amendment, there was a great deal of anti-prohibition sentiment in the country. in to court not only to challenge the implementing legislation, but the amendment itself. in 1920, a distinguished battery of lawyers, including william guthrie and the venerable ella horoot attacked the amendment on two grounds. first, they claimed the con