mike mcwherter has not held political office, but he is the son of ned mcwherter, who was the very popular governor of tennessee from the mid 1980's to the mid 90's. it looks like we are going to have a pretty spirited campaign between the two of them. they are both businessmen and toutding their -- touting their business backgrounds and ability to bring jobs to tennessee. >> mayor haslem survived a primary challenge with 48% of the vote. has he since then gotten the backing of his fellow republicans? >> the republicans will rally very much around bill haslem. he and his family have been republican stalwarts in tennessee for quite a while. ron ramsey, the lieutenant governor, one of his opponents in the primary, certainly will be a strong backer. he will be working with bill haslem if haslem is elected and they will be political allies. kw congressman zack womp, who was second, i think, was a little bit embitter ed at how things went. i don't know how vigorously he will work for the campaign but he is a solid campaign and i'm sure he will get on board, too. >> the latest polls in the race