and i called the speaker and we talked -- >> speaker mcwherter? >> mcwherter. he also is saying the same things. you know, we will tell lamar we will stand behind them, and then i got with bill leech. we were all going to meet at lamar's office. i was entering the chief justice just in case you want to take the oath. anti-edges recover from a heart attack, and wasn't in his office. but bill leech -- >> no, no, no. spent on second justice henry had just -- >> recovering from a heart attack. but bill leech had another problem? >> you can get all this straight if you just read the book. [laughter] >> bill leech have a lot of problems. he just argued before the united states supreme court. he had this opinion issue about whether not this is legal. and his wife was back at the hospital giving birth. and bill had rented a room at the sheraton right across from the courthouse, catty corner across from and. we discuss where we are going to meet and we decide that we're going to meet in his hotel room. that was kind of command central if you will. and later on we were j