the president and leaders across the mdb system led. governments, nongovernmental organizations, research institutions, and the private sector became involved, helping shape evolution and then continuing to support it. successive g20 presidencies kept mdb reform high on the agenda. staff across the mdb's brought in and started taking forward the hard work of implementation. we focus the evolution agenda on four key areas in need of change -- mission, incentives, operational models, and financial capacity. and we've seen progress in each. the world bank has a new vision and mission, to create a world free of poverty on a livable planet. and regional development banks have shifted missions as well. there are new incentives, like updated corporate scorecards that focus the banks on outcomes, impact, and mobilizing private capital. world bank projects are moving more quickly to approval, and idb invest has a new originated share model to bring in private-sector investors. we've also drastically increased financial capacity. across the mdb's