joining me right now is mdc partners ceo, mark penn. great to see you.rning. let's go through some of your polls. what are you seeing? >> well, i think you're seeing a continued decline here of the president. serious change in how the president is viewed after afghanistan. you know, 57% say he may be too old to be president. 49% don't think he's mentally fit. his overall approval is 48, down 4 points. but when you look at the specifics of what kind of job is he doing on afghanistan, only 35% approval. immigration, 40% approval. you see some serious problems here and on top of that, the difference that the -- between the democrats and the republicans has narrowed to nothing. the democrats have had a significant lead before in terms of approval over the last six months. maria: yeah. i mean, mark, unfortunately this is not just about politics, right? i mean, right now what we're seeing is the sentiment about afghanistan returning to become a terrorist haven. i was told over the weekend by my guests on sunday morning futures that there are planes going back