mdm. chairman, mdm. pres. that has a nice ring to it. >>[applause] >> for your leadership. the mayor has done a great deal to bring jobs to san francisco and back dimension transportation mr. mayor because it gives me another opportunity to salute our president barack obama. under the recovery act that was passed we were able to do so many things for san francisco. you know why? because san francisco could demonstrate that they knew how to be a model to the nation. to have initiatives that were of national significance. it's a continuation of thursday rail, central subway, trans-bay terminal, the puppy whatever it is, jobs immediately promotion of commerce and transportation, cleaning the air, promoting quality-of-life, this is really important but sometimes those advances raise the price of housing in a community. so we have to mitigate for that one part of that success by addressing it directly. that is the mayor is the full package. job creation. transportation initiative. jobs immediately and jobs jobs long term but also recognizing the responsibility we have to have af