they were looking at me expectantly, like baby birds looking at their mother to feed them. and afterwards, i felt sort of bad because i had thought i was going to do angel investment, but i didn't know how. i thought, i'll do it and start finally doing angel investing. it wasn't supposed to grow into this big thing. this is one of the things we tell founders. the best way to start a start-up that is going to take over the world, is don't even try to start a startup, just start a start a project. something you think would be cool to work on. y.c. was an instance of this. >> how did you come up with the name y combinator? >> the original name was cambridge seed. >> we were in cambridge. >> it was too tied to one place. the y combinator is a trick, which is a formal expression to express algorithms, a math concept. >> how did you decide to work together? you were not married yet? that is a big decision. >> it was scary. we had only been dating for a year. ♪ >> there are myths about so many of the great companies, start-ups, founders that are boiled down into legends and what i