and let my head drop i look at her and hope returns of hope left shaka right now how i see how we should need to and a complete hope of me to. lama used to work in a factory which manufactures coffee but when he fell ill he had to give up his job now he at least has more time for his wife and daughter. did he think yes he threw the saving. limits wife cari works part time as a school secretary the three live off her wage and a little social welfare limits and corey tried to shield. hard from the seriousness of the situation i was in when we got married di i hoped we'd have a long and happy life together but his illness has made me lower my expectations more and more now i'm hoping for one more nice holiday with him one more year together my wishes are getting more information modest. four hours later time for dialysis the family have to wear face masks to prevent any germs being sprayed. climate now needs daily treatment ten hours every night the machine doesn't cleanses blood directly that task is performed by a sterile solution which flushes toxins and excess water out of his body. the estimation is to fry what i miss