going viral on the internet and television.every day during the olympics, a new picture is posted on meaganemenski's instagram with the twins sporting athletic or patriotic gear. some of the pictures show the twins figure skating, carrying the olympic torch and being the flag bearer at the opening ceremony.the idea started in december when the twins posed as the 'elf on the shelf' during a photo shoot. their mother, schmenski, wanted to do more shoots similar to the one that was christmas themed. photographer genevieve collins had the idea of the olympic themed photo shoot and took the series of pictures.before the opening ceremoy, the twins were already trending (vicki) (vicki) these are the latest pictures posted today and yesterday...(grant) and you can follow zachary and benjamin on their instagram handle "and-so- instagram handle "and-so- there-were-six." (grant) and then (grant) and then there were four... chris tucker confirming 'rush hour 4' is in the works... and he claims it better than the rest details next. (vicki) and a program reminder... "the bay area's hidden history." join