. - evenso, that meansslittle too the city's heaath commisiioner. 2:33:33 it's ot about pickinn goodd bad guys it's &pabout eesuriig hat there's equity in the process o eeerybody abiding by the amee pules. 98 neighborhood liquor stores.... each given -3 two years to figure out theer his attorney is onfiddnt... his client will be ammng the &pfee leettstanning. 23:10:22 -3 thhy need to individuully -3 review each liquor ssore llok cirme look attthe owners look what they're erving how their servinn it. aarossstown.... -3 pust lcohol.but it's hether -3 they can suuvive withouu it... phey fear the most.. 46:19 we want to ssay here as long as at ten. 3 doctor baabot says if any oo the 98 neighborhood llquor storrs were allooedd o continue toosell alcohol...that deciiion would come from aadifferent city -3agency. 3 cooing up in our 6 o'clock hour... speaking out about the one avy seel is givvng up. &p33&pssring trainiig begins todaa to the team hat are readd to play ball. ((break 3)) 3 3 3 coming up in ur 6 o'clock &phour... we'reegetting reedy to draw anooher winner in our freebrrary contt