lab—grown meat company meatable has unveiled its first cultivated pork sausage.uct since 2018 and hopes to start selling it to consumers by 2025. and microsoft has launched a flight simulator for drones. dubbed project airsim, the tool is intended to train the artificial intelligence systems of autonomous aircraft. space, the filthy frontier. humans successfully put their first object into space in 1957, the sputnik satellite. and, after 75 years of spacecraft being sent into orbit, it's a lot easier to go for launch, but a lot messier once you're up there. governments now have to share space with private companies, and without much in the way of regulation, it's starting to get so congested we don't know exactly what's up there any more — some estimates say around 5,000 satellites in orbit with fewer than half actually working. and when a satellite stops functioning, it still keeps orbiting, which is a problem for the useful ones. satellites, when they die on these orbital highways, theyjust keep on going at these very fast speeds. some of the relative speeds be