megrahi has an office in mebo. ok, that's another circumstance.he circumstances, to me, amount to a pile, a big pile. i have the three white roses, for christopher, matthew and ashley. and my red rose, as always. if john had to fall out of the sky, this couldn't have been a better place for him to come down. he was a very proud american, of scottish descent. interviewer: do you ever find yourself looking over to the field? oh, yes. yes, because that's where john died. he was... he was in the nose cone of the plane. you know, through the years you don't get over... ..a loss of this type or this magnitude. you just learn how to live with it. and knowing that he is where he is, here at tundergarth in scotland, among this most beautiful countryside and setting, you know, it's such a peaceful and serene place. when i got john back and i viewed him, i promised to him that i would try to find out who did this and hold people accountable, because i know that if i had been on that flight, he would've done the same thing. when al-megrahi was found guilty, a