this is different from the application because determination for assurance affordability programs, mecaid and chip, are specific to the characteristics of an applicant in his or her household and ask only be communicated after an application is completed. i know that consumers have been frustrated in these initial weeks after the sites loan. while the hub is working as intended, after the launch of the online application, numerous problems surfaced which have prevented some consumers moving through the account application, eligibility in a smooth and seamless manner. some of the problems have been resolved and the site is functioning much better. users can continue through the enrollment processes. we are now able to process 17,000 registrations per hour with no errors. we recon figured various systems to improve site's responsiveness, and, in particular, the viewing and f t filtering of health department plans. we've also made software configuration changes. we are encouraged that the hub is working as intended and that the framework for an eligibility system and enrollment is in place.