president, if we did not goe res,ar mechem iraq, if we didn'i pass a huge tax breaks for the s millionaires and billionaires, u if we didn't pass a prescription drug program with no cost and i control written by the drug andn insurance companies, and if weel did on the regulate wall streett which allows them to do the up things that they did, which stre ended up in wall street'snsui collapse and the ensuing mess we recession, we would not find ourselves in the mess we are in today. it really is that simple. in other words, the only reasons we have to increase our nation'y debt ceiling today is we are forced to pay the bills that the republican leadership in congress and some democrats andc president bush. t now mr. president, given the decline in the middle class, gie and given they fact that the wealthy and large corporations have never had it so good,at thr americans might find it strangeu that the republicans in washington would use this med momentum to make cuts in medicare, medicaid, education, nutrition assistance and of her life and death programs while ae the same time pushing for e