in september, 19 officers were offered medation and all of them accepted. that does not mean that we will have 19 medations because the complainant has to accept and the rate of acceptance by complainant is only 50 percent. >> but today they have mediated 49 cases and that is more than we had mediated at this time last year. in the area of the sustained allegations the occ sustained allegations in four cases in september that is a 6 percent sustain rate. and in the area of ajudd indicated cases. they ajudd indicated three cases in september. all three of the cases involved allegations of conduct unbecoming of an officer. and one of them will be before the commission. in the other two cases, the chief imposed the chief admonished the officers for their sustained allegations. and finally, in the area of out reach, occ staff, participated in four out reach activities in september. tender loin resource fair, summit called language matters, and that was sponsored by the office of civic engagement and community affairs. occ staff also attended the avr nc alternat