you, see the cocaine cartel doesn't begin in medellin, it begins in new york, miami, los angeles, every american city where crack is bought and sold. it is the drug user who makes the cartel possible, who provides the market, who funds the enterprise. and the drug user is on accomplice to every a criminal act, every murder, every terrorist attack carried out by the narcotics syndicate. if we lack the will to fully mobilize the forces of law in our country to arrest and punish drug users, if we can't, if we cannot stem the american demand for drugs, then there will be little hope for preventing foreign drug producers from fulfilling that demand. but if we can control that demand, and curtail the drug consumption in our own country, then our efforts can succeed and the international drug narcotics rings can and will be defeated. now let me state clearly notwithstanding a few voices on the fringe as, i don't believe the american people will ever allow the legalization of drugs in our country. the consensus again drugs in the united states has never been strong. we clearly understand the dr