media. he was not thinking about those types of aggressions because he didn't have to. they simply did not exist in victorian england or 19th century america for that matter. he was not thinking about how the idea would be applied peripherally and futuristically and themes of consequence outside of his own judicial vernacular. here we are, in 2019, stuck with the language of a defining principle that is so valuable and yet so vandalized. i'm not suggesting doing away with the burden of proof. i understand that this principle protects many people in a court of law and is not always used vindictively. sir william himself used the presumption of innocence to rightfully defend teenage ch cham -- chamber maids, who were raped and gave birth on their own and the newborns died. if they were tried in courts, it would be the masters using the defense of innocence to defend themselves against stat -- statutory of rape charges. i do question what can be done to stop the egregious use of this principle by people who don't understand it. the hypocrites who denounce courts of public opinion are the same ones who use the language of the legal system to defend themselves